
Who We Are:

The Wesleyan Doula Project (WDP) is a student-run collective dedicated to providing free and compassionate support for people going through the abortion procedure. The organization consists of a cohort of approximately thirty doula volunteers, a student coordinator team, and an advisory board of faculty members, local physicians, and experienced activists from the wider community. Click here to learn more about our college doula project model.

Our Mission Statement:

Driven by the values of health equity and Reproductive Justice, the WDP is part of a national Full-Spectrum Doula Movement committed to making doula care accessible to all people and all pregnancy outcomes. By providing emotional, physical, and informational support and advocacy, we work to combat stigmas around abortion and reproductive health and ensure that each individual receives the care they deserve. The WDP strives to empower students at Wesleyan, as well as colleges across the country, to pursue reproductive health work and strengthen the connections between their schools and local communities.